发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt

工具10个月前更新 小马良
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ideogram.ai在今天正式推出Ideogram 1.0,这是他们最先进的文本转图像模型。和所有 Ideogram 模型一样,Ideogram 1.0 也是从零开始训练的。它提供了最先进的文本渲染技术,具有前所未有的逼真度和对提示的精准遵循,还新增了一个名为“Magic Prompt”的功能,能帮助您为美丽、创意的图像编写详细的提示。 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt


之前,图像生成模型在生成文字方面一直有问题。Ideogram 1.0 通过其卓越的文本渲染功能,成功解决了这一挑战。现在,用户可以轻松创建个性化的消息、迷因、海报、T恤设计、生日贺卡、徽标等,无需担心文本不准确或模糊。经过系统评估,Ideogram 1.0 在文本渲染准确性方面达到了业界领先水平,与现有模型相比,错误率降低了近两倍。 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt


Ideogram 1.0 在处理复杂提示时展现出卓越的能力。它能够理解长而复杂的提示词,并生成清晰、详细的图像。更重要的是,它超越了传统意义上的逼真度,为用户提供了生成视觉上令人震撼的艺术作品的机会。无论是海报、插画还是其他设计作品,Ideogram 1.0 都能以出色的逼真度和创意满足用户需求。

Ideogram 1.0 在解释复杂提示方面表现出色。每个生成的图像都准确地反映了其对应提示的每一个细节。这得益于模型对提示的精准遵循能力,确保生成的图像与用户的期望完全契合。 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词: A fascinating family portrait of a solid matte red sphere Christmas present perched atop a blue cube wrapped as a Christmas present, with a vivid green Christmas tree standing behind them with a green cloth wrapped around its base. A curious dog is positioned on the right and a cute cat lounges on the left.(一张迷人的全家福,上面是一个实心哑光红色球体圣诞礼物,放在一个包裹着圣诞礼物的蓝色立方体上,后面立着一棵鲜艳的绿色圣诞树,底座上缠着绿色的布。 右边是一只好奇的狗,左边是一只可爱的猫) 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词:two men in a study room. The man on the left stands, wearing a long coat, a patterned shirt, and holding a walking stick. He has an unkempt appearance with a beard. The man on the right is seated on a chair, dressed in a formal suit, and holding a cane. Behind them, there's a framed portrait of a man on the wall. The room has a vintage feel, with ornate curtains and a carpeted floor.(两个男人在一间书房里。 左边的男子站着,穿着长外套、图案衬衫,手里拿着一根手杖。 他外表蓬乱,留着胡须。 右边的男子坐在椅子上,穿着正装,拄着拐杖。 在他们身后的墙上,挂着一幅装框的男人肖像。 房间有复古的感觉,配有华丽的窗帘和铺有地毯的地板) 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词:A cinematic, photorealistic portrayal of a rooster made entirely of crispy fried chicken. Its body is covered in a vibrant, golden-brown crust, drizzled with ketchup and adorned with perfectly cooked, steaming french fries for feathers. The rooster's eyes are made of two small, round ketchup spots, and its beak is crafted from a piece of crispy chicken skin. The scene is set against a backdrop of a dimly lit, retro diner, with neon lights and a checkered tablecloth, adding to the nostalgic and quirky atmosphere.(完全由脆皮炸鸡制成的公鸡的电影般逼真的描绘。 它的身体覆盖着一层充满活力的金棕色外壳,淋上番茄酱,并用煮熟的热气腾腾的炸薯条装饰羽毛。 公鸡的眼睛是由两个小而圆的番茄酱斑点制成的,它的喙是由一块脆皮鸡皮制成的。 场景以一间灯光昏暗的复古餐厅为背景,霓虹灯和格子桌布,增添了怀旧而古怪的氛围。)

Magic Prompt

Ideogram 1.0 还集成了名为“Magic Prompt”的功能,这是一个创意助手,能够自动优化、扩展和翻译用户的提示。通过这一功能,用户可以轻松创建既美丽又富有创意的图像。下面展示了三个示例:原始输入提示、Magic Prompt 的输出图像以及与之对应的生成图像。这一创新功能将进一步激发用户的创造力和想象力。 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词: create a funny meme about cats
Magic Prompt: A meme featuring a Persian cat with a surprised expression. The cat's eyes are wide open, making it appear shocked or amused. The background is a colorful collage of other cats in various poses, and the meme reads, "When you realize cats have taken over the internet." The overall mood is lighthearted and humorous, showcasing the enduring love for cats online. 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词: 👻🎃💀
Magic Prompt: A spooky Halloween scene featuring a ghost, jack-o-lanterns, and a skeleton. The ghost, wearing a tattered robe, is floating among the pumpkins, while the jack-o-lanterns smile mischievously. In the background, a skeleton with a top hat is standing near a haunted mansion. The atmosphere is a mix of eerie and playful, with the moon casting a silvery glow over the scene. 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt
提示词: vegetables orbiting the sun
Magic Prompt: A captivating and whimsical illustration of various vegetables in orbit around a bright, golden sun. The vegetables, each with their own distinct personality, are comically suspended by invisible strings, creating a sense of weightlessness. A mix of classic vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes, as well as more exotic ones like artichokes and eggplants, fill the celestial scene. The background stars twinkle in the vast universe, adding to the fantastical, cosmic atmosphere.


可使用谷歌或者苹果账号进行登录,目前免费版用户每天可以生成100张图片,使用方法见图示(点击图片可打开大图) 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt

目前免费版用户每天可生成100张图片,一次生成4张图片,也就是每天可进行25次生成,生成的图片保存格式为JPG 发布文生图模型Ideogram 1.0:支持生成文字,支持扩展提示词功能Magic Prompt

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